Thursday, 22 January 2009

Performance of Exchange Fund 2008

The star fund manager Joseph Yam announced the return of the Exchange
Fund for 2008, -5.6%, the first time that is below the undisclosed

The following table appears on Mingpao:

Citi Government Bond Index +10.0%
Exchange Fund -5.6%
USD Balanced Equity and Bond Fund -26.0%
HSI -48.0%

Such table leads you to think that the Exchange Fund was doing pretty
well last year as it outperformed the balanced fund a lot, but it is

If you look at the balance sheet of the Exchange Fund, 86%
of the assets are deposits or debt securities and less than 15% of the
assets are in equities so comparing the performance of it to balanced
fund is misleading.

Let's assume the benchmark for debt securities and deposits are 8% (I
added some discount to the 10% for the Citi government bond index
already), then the return on equity portion is:

(-5.6% - 86% * 8%) / 14% = -89%

Somehow, he must have bought some highly risky bonds or his equity
investment is completely crap.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Why Nationalization is the Best Alternative

An article by Felix Salmon on

Why Nationalization is the Best Alternative

Yes we can, Mr Geithner

An article from Luigi Zingales on

Yes we can, Mr Geithner

Tuesday, 13 January 2009



  證監會的新聞稿表示,金管局發現渣打讓一名為Stone Castle公司的客戶取得相關互惠基金的即日定價,從而可以轉入或轉出基金,但渣打其他客戶只獲提供翌日的定價,未獲通知或沒有獲得即日定價安排。

  細看新聞稿,可以發現有幾個重點:第一、Stone Castle獲得特別安排的基金多達二十四隻;第二、證監會的新聞稿披露了幾個重要日期:「這次決定源於香港金融管理局(金管局)對渣打在2001年5月至2003年9月期間分銷互惠基金及相關交易運作的調查。金管局在2008年1月10日將調查結果轉介證監會作進一步行動。」最後值得注意的一點,是「證監會在決定應向渣打採取什麼適當行動及商討和解方案時,已考慮到渣打主動向金管局滙報事件。」  將以上資料重新拼圖,可得出的要點如下:渣打不達標行為歷時兩年多,是一段不短的時間;涉及的基金數目逾二十隻,數目亦同樣不少;渣打銀行是持續地出現不達操守要求的情況。單憑這幾點,已反映金管局後知後覺!


